
The Top Driving Habits Everyone Should Adopt This Year

Driving is an essential part of most people’s lives today. However, heavy traffic and the need to spend a long time behind the wheel before getting home or to work often result in most drivers making reckless mistakes due to poor driving habits. As we start a new year, the ability to adopt better driving habits should be on top of the list of things to learn.

Whether you drive alone or with kids, it’s crucial to take all the right steps to be safe while driving and adopt habits that won’t result in roadside accidents, collisions, DWI arrests, and other hazards.

Better driving habits are all about what you can do to protect yourself, your loved ones, and other drivers and passengers on the road, regardless of how bad the traffic or how bumpy the road is. With your DWI attorney’s legal assistance and representation, you can always get out of legal trouble and avoid penalties that you may face due to a DWI arrest or reckless drunk driving.

Read on to know all about some of the better driving habits one should adopt in 2023:

Staying Calm While Driving

When you’re getting driving lessons or looking for the best driving tips to follow, one thing many people don’t tell you is how crucial it is to stay calm while driving. You’re likely to experience a wide range of circumstances on the road. From aggressive drivers to road rage, heavy traffic, or a situation of someone breaking the traffic rules and laws. This may trigger a lot of emotions, causing you to act recklessly without being mindful of other people’s safety.

However, staying calm is one of the best driving habits one can have. This means you must always be patient with others on the road and understand the need for being a responsible driver with better driving habits than others.

If you notice someone driving in an excessive speed because they’re in a hurry, make sure you give them space to get through. Similarly, avoid responding or reacting to the words or actions of aggressive drivers at any moment.

This will help you reach your destination safely without being in legal trouble due to breaking driving rules and regulations.

Being Aware of Your Blind Spots

We often hear a lot about blind spots during our driver’s tests and interviews. While it’s never a good idea to look behind yourself multiple times to be mindful of the blind spots, it’s always ideal to be aware of what other drivers are doing around you. In other words, being proactive in identifying other drivers’ moves will help you take measures to protect yourself and your loved ones while driving on the road.

Checking blind spots through your rearview mirrors is undoubtedly a better driving habit that can prevent various unprecedented roadside accidents. This is also an essential step when you want to change lanes, turn around, overtake, or move away from a specific road.

A fair idea of all the blind spots around you will help you determine whether the coast is clear for you to drive safely and make a different move.

a car’s rearview mirror

Wearing Your Seat Belt At All Times

Despite the increased awareness about wearing seat belts, many drivers fail to do so and end up in some of the most tragic roadside accidents. Some of these accidents and their consequences can easily be prevented if drivers understand the need and urgency to start wearing their seat belts regularly.

If there’s one better driving habit to start with, it’s the practice of wearing your seat belt. You can add a reminder to your smartphone or use a safety checklist to put your seat belt on as soon as you sit in your car and prepare to start it.

Seatbelts can protect you from hazardous injuries in case of a roadside accident and play a significant role in ensuring your loved ones’ safety.

Performing Vehicle Safety Checks

Cars and other vehicles are undoubtedly the most important investments one can make. However, they can always be subject to wear and tear that won’t be instantly visible. Some of the damage within cars often reveals itself when you’re already driving on the road, which is never a good sign because it can lead to multiple accidents.

Performing vehicle safety checks can help you combat this problem. Make sure you’re frequently inspecting various parts of your car, including its brakes, tires, steering wheel, windscreen, rear view mirror, engine, and more.

a brown seat belt

Avoid Drinking and Driving

If there’s one better driving habit that can always keep you out of legal trouble, it’s that of never driving while intoxicated. DWIs are a leading cause of roadside crashes and collisions in the USA. It’s when people try to navigate through roads, highways, and freeways with a substantial amount of alcohol in the system.

DWIs can lead to speeding, overtaking, and various other irrational steps one may take when they’re inebriated. Therefore, if you’re in a drunken state or under the influence, it’s always better to let someone else drive you home instead of taking the risk of driving yourself.

Hire a DWI Attorney

If you find yourself at risk of being charged for a DWI incident, a better driving habit for you is to always have a DWI attorney you can trust. Your DWI attorney can play a significant role in helping you contest your case and stay out of legal trouble.

drinking and driving

If you’re looking for a DWI lawyer in San Antonio who you can call whenever you’re convicted of a DWI incident, make sure you connect with The Law Offices of George A. Scharmen. As your DWI lawyer in San Antonio, I’ll make sure you’re not wrongfully charged and will take all the right steps to represent you adequately in legal proceedings. Contact my team to learn more today!

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